Thursday, September 24, 2009

Product of Productivity

I had a music history test on Wednesday. I sat in the Union Starbucks for 6 hours each night before, reading and digesting outline after outline of information I failed to embrace during the last 3 weeks. I'm sorry, but to really expect to do that much reading CONSISTENTLY? No. I almost prefer not having a life for 3 consecutive days rather than not have a little bit of life every day.

Anyway, all in all, the test was not the death of me. Au contraire, I have undergone a significant, if not temporary, change in character from this recent wave of studiousness. Under the pressure of getting 3 weeks of the development of musical notation and gregorian chant in my brain, I seemed to have been subconsciously inspired by the way I just got shit done.

After the test yesterday, I came home, well... I mean first I slept and went out for Mexican, but THEN I came home and finally got all the clothes and shit off my floor and in my closet. Granted my closet walls are bustling and I'm out of hangers, but you can see my floor.

Today I came home, finally scrubbed out the nasty ass garbage can, outside, in the rain, and then proceeded to clean the whole kitchen. Managed to do a few dishes as well, and then I MADE DINNER. God I feel like a convert or something. Now if only I could apply this new mentality to physical exercise and oh I don't now everything else I wish I did for myself. HA that's funny.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Feet is an acquired taste

It's always been a recurring ambition of mine to host a cooking show. Having been raised on the food network- sara moulten, emeril, rachel ray, guy fieri... my nannies - anyway- the whole premise just sort of feels like one of those perfect jobs you can't quite place. It has always seemed to me the ultimate culmination of my interests. I'm a performer. check. I have an unhealthy preoccupation with food. check. I love kitchens. check. I could also enjoy polishing a marketable image to win over the hearts and bellies of couch potatoes everywhere who will buy my cookbooks not for the recipes but the unique cover art and awesome food photography. check.

Ina Garten lives the life, man. She walks around barefoot in her pristine kitchen, inviting over her publisher, photographer, designer, and musician friends, makes this awesome food which I'm sure she doesn't have to clean up after all is said and done. She's a contessa. Then on top of it all she has this beautiful property and money pouring in through every crevice.

I waaant.

The only obstacles interfering with my TV chef aspirations are:
A. My lack of culinary skills/ experience.
B. My foot-in-mouth disease.

A can be solved over time I believe. I'm pretty sure Julia Child didn't start her cooking career until later in life. I'm still young (technically), and unlike the violin or the piano, there may still be hope for a young adult such as myself to achieve some level of mastery in the kitchen.

B, well, I don't know if that can be solved. I consider myself lucky on the off chance my rambles carry an air of coherence, but otherwise, I can recall many incidences that left me kicking myself weeks, even months afterward. There are some childhood memories of word vomit that have only recently buried themselves past my reach, and I am grateful for that. If I had to be recorded, especially while engaging in an activity that to some matters more than the banter, I'm afraid the added ingredient of my tongue might spoil any meal and/or episode.

On the other hand, that could be my gimmick. Just be too cute for anyone to care. Awww, John just went on a 5 minute stint about body odor, isn't that precious? What did he make? Oh, a grilled cheese? Well, I bet it's great.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Light in My Piazza

It's heeeeere. Well almost.

I'll be performing on July 31 and August 8 (opening and closing), so get your tickets as soon as possible. Opening and closing nights are probably more likely to sell pretty quickly.

Look how awkward I am! It's pretty awesome. This show has been a dream come true so far, and and the school is really hamming it up for this production. The scenic design is incredible. The whole MAC stage will be set on a turntable, which will be used during scene changes and some scenes. This show has to be one of my absolute favorite works of art. The messages, the music, the characters- the show is so layered and the work comes together as a means of conveying this rich, insightful impression rather than just presenting a story with music. Really sinking my teeth into the music has only made it that much more of an all-encompassing obsession. I can only hope to do it justice.

More soon! Check out the links for all the Piazza info you can probably ever need or want.

Rehearsal Photos

Most recent article about IU's production (including a picture of yours truly)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Loss for words

I apparently have nothing interesting to say. God when I grow up, what will my descendants think when they stumble upon this page in the archaic corners of the internet... which brings me to wonder what will happen to it by then. I shudder to think we'll advance to a level that will render all of this too obsolete to maintain anymore- what will happen to my old xanga page that contains all of my unenlightened high school ramblings?? I'd hate to see those go up in a puff of progressive smoke.

Anyway, as I said before. I got nothing.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Family Wedding

A string of images for my own memory

blasting the heat in the mid-90s, sweat, construction, carhopping, Maxine's, rehearsal dinner, another two-hearted, thanks, vinyl bracelet, pot roast, "who the hell is that?", lakehouseness, "If you don't love yourself, and don't believe in yourself, then you're fucked."- grandma, midnight love story, chair design, uncle terry's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies aka sin, lavender, adventures in ironing, practice, prairie chic, musak: "Sweet Jane, her comes your man with this old book of love" waterworks, which brings me to whiskey, PBR, 312, champagne, wine, (yes all of which I consumed within 45 minutes), toasts, demanding, e-mail, skatepark, champagne, dinner, pork, couscous, 2nd, 3rd, maybe 4th helping?, heat, liquor, dancing, lots of dance, general grog, spills, jimmy, pantless, peestain, "Jimmy you don't have to change in the middle of the room."-"what the hell it's not like I'm dancing for some gypsy band..." hotel, cops, asian, lake, knocked out, brunch, dip!, more beer, more food, sun, hot, sand, food, fat, home, Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Revamp welcome

I really need to figure this thing out...

I had an epiphany today. I never really feel I am accomplishing anything in my life at any moment. Wait, I knew this already. But, seriously, I flounder around and expect things to fall into place for me, never really knowing what creative thing I really want to invest my time in. The only things upon which I maintain keen, consistent focus are my meals. My life revolves around them. Free time= time I could be using to eat something yummy. I'm considering launching an investigation of my intake in hopes of demonstrating some sort of meaning to this obsession, or in any case, revealing myself through these choices. However much satisfaction I find in this will probably most likely not be directly proportional to that which you find.

Things I ate today:

Kroger's attempt at Honey Nut Cheerios.
Kroger water + Crystal Light Raspberry packet. Stained my fingers red.
Iced Starbucks green tea. Cheap and luscious.
Village Deli- Fajita Pita con salsa and homemade potato salad with a house salad on the side, honey mustard dressing. One of the highlights of my day. I haven't focused so hard on a meal in a long time.
Laughing Cow light swiss cheese triangle. ADDICTION
Sugar snap peas. also an addiction, though excusable for health reasons.
Cafe Django- Curry Puffs and the Django Curry- wtf where has this place been hiding, and who knew I liked curry? Ate portion that could feed van of illegal aliens.
Grande iced coffee from starbucks.
More laughing cow cheese. I mean, it's already getting old now really...
glass of vino... Arrogant Frog, Lily Pad Red. Not my favorite, but it's wine.

This was mildly thrilling and satisfying.

Currently on the want shelf:
an English minor, Birkenstocks, cooler clothes, to read my wine book, more time to study for Piazza